contribution margin ratio
- contribution margin ratio
The ratio of the contribution per product to the sales value, often expressed as a percentage. It is a way of ranking a range of products in terms of their relative profitability, the highest percentage indicating the highest contribution per pound of sales.
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Contribution margin — Decomposing Sales as Contribution plus Variable Costs. In the *****Cost Volume Profit Analysis model, costs are linear in volume. In cost volume profit analysis, a form of management accounting, contribution margin is the marginal profit per unit … Wikipedia
Маржинальная прибыль (CONTRIBUTION MARGIN, MARGINAL CONTRIBUTION) — Разность между доходом от реализации и переменными затратами. Для достижения точки безубыточности маржинальная прибыль должна покрыть постоянные затраты. См. также Доля маржинальной прибыли (Contribution Margin Ratio); Маржинальная прибыль на… … Словарь терминов по управленческому учету
contribution-to-sales ratio — contribution margin ratio … Accounting dictionary
Variable Cost Ratio — Variable costs expressed as a percentage of sales. The variable cost ratio compares costs, which fluctuate depending on production levels, to the revenues made on those products. This ratio relates the specific costs to the revenues they generate … Investment dictionary
PV ratio — Abbreviation for profit–volume ratio or production–volume ratio. See: contribution margin ratio … Accounting dictionary
production–volume ratio — PV ratio See: contribution margin ratio … Accounting dictionary
profit–volume ratio — PV ratio See: contribution margin ratio … Accounting dictionary
Dividend payout ratio — is the fraction of net income a firm pays to its stockholders in dividends: The part of the earnings not paid to investors is left for investment to provide for future earnings growth. Investors seeking high current income and limited capital… … Wikipedia
Доля маржинальной прибыли — (Contribution Margin Ratio) Отношение маржинальной прибыли к чистой реализации. Доля маржинальной прибыли может измеряться для отдельной единицы либо для всей суммы реализации и маржинальной прибыли предприятия. … Словарь терминов по управленческому учету
Operating leverage — Sachin Jadhav explained the Definition of Operating Levarage as, The operating leverage is a measure of how revenue growth translates into growth in operating income. It is a measure of leverage, and of how risky (volatile) a company s operating… … Wikipedia